Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Tremble in fear!!

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Sprinting on the mountains, attacking with a bladed baseball bat, cometh Bimkins! And he gives a spectacular bellow:

"Hail the blood-letting! I destroy all in my path until everything has croaked!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Bloggy time

Work. Yikes. 13 hrs today. Yikes. Sleep.

Anyways... A few days ago, Oasis made a 100 list. I have finally pieced my own together. Here goes:

100 List:

1) I'm making this list because after seeing my friends do it, I think it looks cool. (peer pressure!) :-)
2) I like rainbows. Natural, in-the-sky rainbows. Pride flag rainbows. Light through a prism rainbow. All of them.
3) I can't touch-type worth a damn.
4) I listen to just about all genres of music.
5) Except country.
6) My current fave cd is the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie soundtrack.
7) I think that Orlando Bloom (one of the lead actors in 'Pirates') is absolutely gorgeous.
8) I'm homosexual.
9) I'm grateful that I have friends who helped me to see past the fear/hatred that I felt over that fact.
10) I hope that the federal government ignores the right-wing religious fundamentalists, and allows same-sex marriage.
11) I am spiritual, not religious.
12) I'm reading a book on Wicca.
13) I'm starting to integrate some of the Wiccan ideals into my own spiritual style.
14) I hate it when somebody tries to use their religion as a reason to deny me rights, or limit my options.
15) I've never really found Monty Python to be all that funny.
16) I have yet to read 1984, or Lord of The Rings. They are both part of the book pile on my 'to read' shelf.
17) I collect and read Star Trek books. I figure I have about 250.
18) I've seen every Star Trek episode at least once. Except for the animated series.
19) The first girl I ever kissed was Jen.
20) The first guy I kissed was some guy in a bar who was a friend of a friend.
21) My first boyfriend lasted for about 3 weeks.
22) My current relationship is at 8 weeks, and counting.
23) I tend to think that most tv commercials are stupid (like the Gap one I just saw).
24) I love to read. I find it very relaxing.
25) I think that the Space Odyssey (2001, 2010, 2061, and 3001) books are some of the best sci-fi. Ever.
26) I love to drive. It clears my mind, and helps me unwind.
27) I believe that friends are the family that you choose for yourself.
28) I think that the song 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong is one of the most beautiful songs in the world.
29) I like the theme to Enterprise ('Where My Heart Will Take Me').
30) I think that it is ok to laugh, cry, love, and hate. Feeling is part of being human.
31) Often, I feel too much.
32) Rarely do I feel too little.
33) I have been working for the same company for almost 6 years (just a few more days!)
34) I had originally planned to work for a year, then go to school to become a computer programmer.
35) I want to have kids some day.
36) My kid(s) can be my own genes, or adopted. That doesn't matter. Either way, they will be loved equally.
37) The most expensive thing I own is my car.
38) Technically, I won't own it for another 4 years.
39) I am not a morning person.
40) Unless I wake up next to my boyfriend.
41) Being in love scares me at times.
42) Being in love exhilarates me at times.
43) Horoscopes can be fun to read sometimes.
44) My fave color is blue.
45) I own three computers.
a) AthlonXP 1700, my main system
b) P2/266, my file/ftp server
c) 486 Toshiba laptop, my.... closet space filler
46) I have learned that it can take years to build a friendship, but minutes to destroy it.
47) I am fascinated by other languages and cultures.
48) Computers are my hobby, and my profession.
49) I want to tour the world some day. I think I will start with Australia.
50) I think humanity has a LOT of growing up to do.
51) I don't like chocolate.
52) I LOVE chocolate.
53) I hope to visit Vancouver in the summer of '04.
54) I'm a geek.
55) Being a geek is fun.
56) Night time is beautiful. I love the stars.
57) My last vacation was a weekend trip to Calgary.
58) The last movie I saw was 'Chicago'.
59) I think the sexiest accent is British. (Think James Bond-ian)
60) I love thunderstorms. I think they are beautiful and romantic.
61) I'm a sucker for romance. ;-)
62) I prefer my steak to be cooked medium-well.
63) The last sporting event I went to was motocross bike racing (practice).
64) It looked like fun, and I want to try it.
65) I love to sing, despite my obvious lack of talent.
66) I enjoy public speaking.
67) I want to learn to speak Hawaiian.
68) I think the cutest movie character is Stitch (Lilo & Stitch).
69) I'm told that I give good back/shoulder/neck massages.
70) My fave gay bar? The Roost (104st, 104ave in Edmonton)
71) My fave 'straight bar'? The Stonehouse.
72) The best tv episode of any series ever? Star Trek TNG: The Measure of a Man
73) I find that writing in my diary helps me work through my problems.
74) Re-reading past diary entries helps me understand myself a little more.
75) I prefer shows like 'Law & Order' (all three flavors) and 'West Wing' over stuff like 'Friends'.
76) The only sitcoms I watch are 'M*A*S*H*' and 'Will & Grace'. The rest bore me.
77) I would love to go on a cruise some day. Perhaps as my honeymoon.
78) My fave beer? Kokanee Gold.
79) Coke or Pepsi? PEPSI! (Although, either will do)
80) My best subject in high school? CompSci. (What a shock!)
81) My worst? Math 30. (Math 12 for you BC-types)
82) Things I collect: Computer stuff, books, Star Trek related stuff, and dvds (those are the major things)
83) Because of programs like Napster and Kazaa, I buy MORE cds than I used to.
84) I think that every citizen has an obligation to vote.
85) Even if you destroy your ballot.
86) That being said, I think all election ballots need a 'None of the above' option.
87) I am attracted to long, sandy blond hair. (Think Legolas from LOTR)
88) Heart and mind are the most important qualities I look for in a mate.
89) I always cry when I watch the series finale of M*A*S*H*
90) I like to pun.
90) I like musicals (Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Singing in the Rain, etc)
91) My fave fruit is an orange.
92) The fartherst I've away from home that I've ever gone on vacation is Tijuana, Mexico.
93) When I was a kid, my dream job was to be a police officer.
94) The fastest I've ever driven is 145kph.
95) I love a good hug!
96) I think Weird Al Yankovic is a comedic genius.
97) Making lists like this is fun.
98) It's helping me learn more about myself.
99) I want to go for management of some kind as my career.
100) Oasis can stop bugging me about this list, now. ;-)

Sunday, August 24, 2003

I'll call it... Mini Blog.

Let's see, here.

Worked yesterday. Major ugh.
Hung out with T today. BIG-TIME SWEET!!

Yet anudder horoscope from 365gay.com
365gay.com, your official source for all queer horoscopes
Capricorn: "With the fourth quarter Moon in your sign, you've made up your mind about something. Maybe you will consult a doctor about those hair plugs, after all. Perhaps you'll go in for the Botox injection or the laser peel. You might even consider getting caps to conceal those native buck teeth. (Lucky you, your family line includes several generations of Hatfields and McCoys.) Since you're moving into the winners' circle, you want to put your best face forward. (And, if your best face isn't good enough, you'll simply borrow one from somebody else.)"
I've made up my mind about something? What the hell is it? I hope I figure it out. The only thing I've made up my mind on is what I wanted for dinner. ;-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Holy hell!

Got this link from Oasis...
Go on, give it a try. You know you want to.

General asshats
Circle I Limbo

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Scummy salesmen
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Militant Vegans
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Spam e-mail sending bastards
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Religious fundamentalists
Circle VII Burning Sands

Militant anti-gay lobbiests
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

The Pope
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Blah blog

Ever had one of those weeks, and it's only Wednesday? Or Monday, or Tuesday?
Work 5u><0r5 right now.

Need sleep. Need lots of sleep.
That, and some beer. Good beer. Kokanee Gold.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Weight a minute...

Stepped on the scale tonight. 178 lbs! w00t!! It even teased me with a couple of 177's! Is that sweet, or what?

Horoscope time! Courtesy of 365gay.com
Capricorn:"Astrologers love to give Capricorns a hard time. ('Cause, well, we can.) You're always being pegged as fussy, grim, and controlling. The truth is that you have a soft, adorable side - you just don't show it on the first date. This week, Mercury is helping you to loosen up. You'll serenade your honey by moonlight or stage a playful round of Hide the Soap with your live-in. Or you'll buy drinks for a group of strangers, thereby showing how cool and financially abundant you are. (Well, fake it 'til you feel it.)"
Something tells me T might like this. :-)

Now, over to Vancouver for a moment. Some fundamentalist religious-types were holding a rally today in Vancouver against same-sex marriage. Some 1000 GLBT people held a counter-rally. Story available here, again courtesy of 365gay.com. (Yes, I do read other sites!). I love this excerpt:
"As the protestors stood in front of the Vancouver courthouse to hear speeches denouncing homosexuality and same-sex marriage, about 1000 gays marched into the area singing "We're going to the chapel and we're going to get married.""
I couldn't help but laugh when I read that. I think they chose the perfect song!

Technology upgrade time!
Got a new stereo yesterday. Got that with some A&B gift certificates I won at work, and traded my laptop for. My old one (one of those Aiwa bookshelf units) was failing. The cd player was shot, and it ate tapes. So, I got... What do you mean "What are tapes?"? What kind of question is that? You know... Those audio cassettes that everybody used to use after records (don't ask) and before cds. Remember them? The thin, typically brown magnetic ribbon (tape) inside a plastic shell. As the player wound the tape from one reel to the other, the tape player heads would read the magnetic info on the tape, and play it back as sound. Remember, now? Good! Anyways, I replaced it with a slightly smaller Sony unit. Five cd changer, tape deck, hookup for my computer, plays MP3 cds. SWEET! Plus, it's a super-spiffy silver color!

Also, I replaced my cell phone. My black Motorola StarTac was failing, too. (What is it with my gadgets lately? Stereo, then cell phone!) So, I got a new Motorola T720. This cost me some of my own hard(ly) earned money. But, it was worth it. I now have a cell phone that WORKS! What a concept....

Alright, enough of this conscious happiness. Time for some unconscious happiness. G'night!

Current mood: Tired. Bed time!
Current media: Frank Mills - Musicbox Dancer

Friday, August 15, 2003

Friday. YAY!!

The work week is over! *does happy dance*

Time for the Friday Five: (posted an hour late)

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
It varies greatly. Sometimes as little as 15/20 min to check my e-mail, and sometimes it hits 8 or 10 hours when all I want to do is shut my brain off.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
User Friendly webcomic.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
ICQ and MSN.

4. Where was your first webpage located?
Some free hosting people based outta Vancouver. They were also the registrar for my domain name. It never developed much beyond the 'This page under construction' stage.

5. How long have you had your current website?
I've had this blog going for about 3 weeks or so. It's the only site I actually use.

So, what's new? Pretty much nothing. Picked up Will & Grace season one on dvd today.
OOhh! If you want some GREAT music to listen to, grab the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie soundtrack.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Uhhhhh... Duck!

This report in, direct from Environment Canada.






Charming, eh?
On the upside, this storm is making for some nice rain, thunder, and lightning. I love a good thunderstorm. It's so romantic. :-)

Monday, August 11, 2003

Monday. How typical.

This day didn't start off to smoothly. Left my work door card sitting at home. Couldn't move throughout the building without ringing doorbells, or borrowing other people's cards. Must remember not to forget it tomorrow. ;-)

Also, I did something to bugger up my wrist on Saturday night. Maybe I moved it in an unfriendly way when I was turning a corner or shifting gears while driving. I dunno. Regardless of how it happened, this is bloody annoying. Typing with a tensor bandage immobilizing your wrist is a giant pain in the ass. Don't worry, my faithful readers (all two of you). I shall prevail!!!! ^_^

After that, things got much better. Went for a way too brief lunch with T. Being within six feet of him is always a WONDERFUL thing.
Went and saw X2 with a friend after work (2nd viewing for me). An incredible movie. Special fx were sweet, plot was amazing, and it had two stunningly gorgeous guys (Wolverine and Iceman). Can't complain about the movie at all. *grin*

This week is shaping up to be pretty nice. Wednesday, I'll be getting together with T. With any luck, I might be able to get together with The Kid and Stacey for coffee.

Horoscope time! (courtesy of 365gay.com)
Capricorn:"Ambition is your new middle name, thanks to an aggressive Moon. You're ready to embrace some opportunities. You'll audition for The View to see if Barbara Walters will let you replace Lisa Ling. Or you'll call up the producers of Matt Le Blanc's proposed spin-off to see if you can play one of Joey's new Friends. Think big. Toss out that Starbucks application and stop submitting resumes to headhunters who only hire telemarketers. You're ready for fame, and it doesn't come with a foam cup or a headset."

Current media: A series of randomly picked tracks from my mp3 collection (Fraggle Rock theme at the moment)
Current mood: Relaxed & content

Sunday, August 10, 2003

He's back!

Why almost a week since the last update? Is it a lack of internet connection? Nope. Blogger playing silly hell? Nope. Computer having problems? Nope. What is it you ask? < angelic look on face > Well, it isn't laziness on my part, that's for sure! < /fails miserably > ;-)

So, here's the happenings of a week.
Wednesday:Hung out with The Kid. Went for a slurpee walk. Got to see her new place. Both cool things. Got to sit down and chat with her for a good, long time. VERY COOL!
Thursday:Hung out with RenderMan at EmDeBe's place. We watched a dvd, and chatted. Much fun.
Friday:Hung out with Banana. Watched a couple of movies. A third good evening.
Saturday:Went for a drive. A very relaxing activity. Went about 50-60km south of Edmonton, turned around, and drove back. On the way back, I stopped at a roadside turnout, and wrote in my diary for a while. There's something about writing in my diary that I find to be very therapudic. Does the diary provide answers? No. But, it does help me understand the questions, and answer them myself. If you don't have a diary of your own, I suggest you start one. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Use whatever you like. Mine is a coiled notebook that is often used for notes in school. Works just fine.

Time for a couple of quotes that I saw this week:
Nominated for Quote of the Year is the statement made by Texas Congressman Dick Armey when asked, "If you had been in President Clinton's place, would you have resigned?"

Armey's reply: "If I had been in the president's place, I would not have gotten the chance to resign. I would have been lying in a pool of my own blood, looking up, and listening to my wife ask, 'How do you reload this son of a bitch'?"

Quote 2:
"Arnold Schwarzenegger: Finally, a public official who can explain the administration's social policies in the original German."

--Bill Maher, via Bobby the Mat.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Welcome to holiday Monday!

This was a very good day.
1) Spent most of the day with T. Can't complain about that!! :-)
2) Wandered around the Heritage Days festival at Hawrelak park. For those who aren't in Edmonton, the festival is a gathering of the various mulitcultural societies around the city. They set up booths, sell food, and display/sell various crafts and such.
3) The weather was beautiful. The weatherman on tv said it was 22. Personally, I think it was closer to 25 or so. Silly weatherman. ;-)

Sunday evening was even better!
Went over to T's house, where he cooked me dinner. We sat on the balcony drinking tea. We watched Lilo & Stitch. A lovely evening.

Horoscope time: (courtesy of 365gay.com)
Capricorn:"You've been more of an underdog than Seabiscuit, but Mercury will soon shift the tide. As those brain cells re-engage, you'll find strategic ways to achieve that elusive success. You'll take a page out in Variety, like Bette Davis once did. ("Famous actress looking for work.") You'll marry a movie producer and get a career out of it, like Norma Shearer of The Women did. Or, more likely, you'll just stand up to your boss and say, "Either use me or lose me." It's time to declare your self-worth."
A rather nice one, I must say.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

That's SO sweet!

Ok, so yesterday I had to go into work at about 10am because it is inventory weekend. No big deal. Done it tons of times. Everything was going just fine until about 11 or 1130. At that point, I got a phone call from T. He was at the farmer's market, and asked me if there was anything that he could bring me for lunch. How sweet is that?!?!?! So, he stopped by with some peaches and some salad rolls (I think that was the name), and we ate lunch together.

We had a wonderful time! I'm so lucky to have met such a great guy!

Time to get ready to go. I'm meeting up with T tonight. :-)