Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Thursday, July 31, 2003


I feel like I'm flying higher than the highest airplane!! I have had the most amazing evening!

I went out with my sweetheart of a boyfriend for a few hours tonight. We wandered around Whyte Ave, chatted, and did a little shopping. That alone would have made for a wonderful evening. However, it gets better. :-)

After we had finished wandering, we went back to T's place because that was where my car was parked. We were sitting in his car in the parking lot, talking. He told me how much I mean to him, and that he loves me. I have never heard such beautiful words in my entire life!

One thing that I often have difficulty doing is expressing my feelings verbally (kind of odd, considering my public speaking history). I'm better doing it in text. So, to my wonderful boyfriend (and the entire world), I want to say the following:

I have never felt like this about another person before. I feel that I have found the most wonderful boyfriend ever. Being with him makes me happier than I ever imagined. While I don't want to be away from him, I want to leave so that I can return, and feel the exhilaration of greeting him again. The feeling of walking into his arms, and telling him how happy I am to see him.
This is love. Of that, I have no doubt.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Uno, dos, tres

Not a bad Tuesday. Except...

They say bad luck comes in threes. Well, my friend RenderMan found that out with his Vegas trip.
Departure: Monday morning, bloody early.
1) T-minus 36 hours: Laptop fries. No power.
2) T-plus 5 hours: Just south of Calgary, the car's alternator fails. He replaces it, and is on the road again in little time.
3) T-plus 22 hours: Close to Brigham, Utah (the cultural hub of North America), the car hits a deer on the road. Smashed the car to rat crap. Probably a write-off. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. Shaken a bit, but not hurt. *whew*

Also, I spent the evening helping his mom with the bedroom. We ended up plastering holes in the wall so that the painting could be done tomorrow or Thursday.

That more or less sums up the events of today.

Tomorrow, I'm getting together with T. YAY!! Been a week since I saw him last. A week too long, if you ask me.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Let me be honest witch ya...

So, I've been reading the book "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner", and one thing I've been having problems with are my misconceptions about Wicca, Paganism, and other related topics. I guess I'm still trying to undo several years' worth of Christian religious brainwashing beliefs. Well, I found a good book that helps. "When Someone You Love is Wiccan" by Carl McColman. If you're at all curious about what Wicca is, then this is the book for you. It's more of a 'what/why/do' book, than a 'how' book. Worth looking at.

And here's something that a friend of mine sent me to brighten my day (work was less than stellar today). I hope you enjoy it.
< joke >
Recently I read an article that stated: "The best way to achieve inner peace is to finish things you have started."

So today I finished two large bags of potato chips, the last half of a lemon cream pie, a nearly full bottle of Gray Goose Vodka, a small box of Godiva Chocolates and I slapped the living daylights out of someone I have never liked.

I feel better than I have felt for a long time.
< /joke >

Oh, and the best thing about having a blog... I can pun all I like, and nobody can do anything about it. ;-)

Sunday, July 27, 2003


Just got back from my friend's (RenderMan) birthday party. Drank alcohol. Chatted with friends. Drank alcohol. Ate food. Drank alcohol. Nice night!

RenderMan leaves for Lost Wages Las Vegas tomorrow. Lucky little fu....*cough*. Anyways, while he's gone, his parents wanna do this 'While You Were Out' kinda thing. They're planning on TOTALLY re-doing his bedroom for the week he's gone. So, his parents have enlisted the help of myself, and one more mutual friend. So, Monday the work starts. Taking down posters, removing furniture, the whole nine yards. Tuesday, we paint! This is gonna be fun! (good thing he doesn't read this, so he doesn't know!)

Anyways, I've got a bloody busy work week ahead of me. Time to crawl into the sack. Nighters!

A couple of minor things

1) If you haven't seen the movie Chicago (it won about a billion Adademy Awards), then go see it. You may be able to find it in the cheapo theatres. If you're S.O.L. on that track, then rent it when it becomes available. The music is delightful, and the movie is absolutely fabulous!

2) I'm sure you've seen the 100 question purity test available on thespark.com. Well, there's a 500 question version available here. Give it a try. They gave me a score of 67.2%. Make sure to read the stuff at the top of EACH page.

"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown

Saturday, July 26, 2003

It looks purdy out

Blue sky. A few lovely white, fluffy clouds. 23c. Light breeze. Could it be any more perfect?
Well, yes. But it would take a LOT of effort! ;-)

This is one of those days where it's really good to be alive.
I had a brief chat with my friend, The Kid.
It's gorgeous outside.
It's a nice, relaxing day.

I think it's time to go read on the balcony.
Oh, yeah. The book I'm working through is called "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. Oasis mentioned it was a good book. She's right.

Who is this shmo that I'm reading about?

Chances are that if you are reading this blog, that you are a friend who already knows me. But, in case you aren't, here's a mini-bio.

Age: 23
Sex: Please! errr... uhhh... Male ;-)
Location: ass-end of the universe (Also called 'Edmonton, Alberta')
Relationship status: Dating a wonderful boyfriend ('T') for 5wks.
Star Trek & computer geek.

Like I said. Mini bio.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Well, Oasis. I've got my blog up and running. You can stop prodding me, now. :-)

Basically, I plan this blog to be unplanned. Make sense? No? Oh well.
I'm not going to have a set schedule for updates. I may update several times a day, or not for an entire week. It all depends on what's going on at that point.

So, yeah. Welcome to my blog. Ramblings. Direct from me to you.