Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Monday, July 26, 2004


I leave for Vancouver in about 9 and a half hours!

*feverishly starts packing*

Monday, July 19, 2004

Closets are for clothes

Tonight I had a talk with my mom. Make that THE talk. I wrote my parents a letter, and she's the only one who's read it so far.
Afterwards, she told me that she's suspected I was gay for the past few months.

She's totally cool with it! SWEET!!

She did have a request. Don't tell dad quite yet. Apparently he has a few things on his plate right now, so it's best that we wait.

But... The point is... She knows, and she's cool with it!!!!

*Bill does the super-duper, really amazing, wonderfully delightful happy dance!*

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Where has the time gone??

I leave on vacation one week from tomorrow.

*Bill watches as time flys past him at an ungodly rate*

Let's see. What do I need to do before I leave?
-Take car in for oil change. (Tues, 10am)
-Get additional clothes (need new shorts!)
-Find some glow-in-the-dark nail polish
-Update resume & references (just in case, but not betting on needing them)

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A sign of the times

BillB Highway
Confusion Lane22
Study Hall42
Contentment Meadows162
Lake Love430
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Get ready!!

< Spaceballs >
Prepare ship... for ludicrous speed!
< /Spaceballs>

Preparations for the trip to Vancouver are well under way. Got my lists of what I need to take all done (well, mostly). All pre-trip appointments except for one have been booked (car oil change, etc). Everything is well under-way.

Given that we arrive on the 28th, that doesn't leave the BC lower mainland much time to flee. I recommend evacuation plan beta.
What is "evac plan beta"? Basically, it means "RUN LIKE HELL!!!" :-)

Oh, while off to get some takeout from Dadeo restaurant, I saw a sign on the side of the road. It was one of those typical "HIGH PEDESTRIAN AREA" signs. But, somebody decided to modify it with a felt marker. "HIGH PEDESTRIAN IN AREA". I don't condone vandalism, but I hafta admit. I found that one somewhat funny.

Oh, and as for this Dadeo place. If you live in/near Edmonton, you MUST go NOW. It's on Whyte Ave. They specialize in Cajun foods. YUM! Their po-boy sandwiches are amazing! If you don't live in/near Edmonton, get your butt out here so that I can take you there!

Saturday, July 03, 2004


I rarely remember my dreams. Like, almost never. I think it's easily been 2 and a half years since I last remembered a dream.
Actually, that's not 100% accurate. I usually do remember a dream if I wake up in the middle of it. Then, by the time I've fallen asleep and woken up at my usual time, I've forgotten what happened.

Last night was something of a restless night for me. Had trouble sleeping. At one point (or was it two?), I woke up in the middle of a dream. A really weird dream. This time, I wrote it down. Here goes...
First off, I didn't recognize anybody in it, save for myself.

I was at home, and a package arrives for me. So, I start opening it. I get the package about half open when I go upstairs for some reason. I leave the package downstairs. While I'm upsatirs doing I can't rememeber what, the package explodes. I'm not hurt, the building is mostly fine (except that the drywall from the walls on the lower level is gone, just leaving the supports).

Everybody in my neighbourhood comes together to help me fix the house. The image of the damaged house is weird. It looks like a house on stilts when it shouldn't be.

I then walk out the back door of the house, and start walking away from the house through a field/yard area. This field is filled with what looks like oil well caps/plugs.

I then see a woman (whom I didn't recognize) on a small hill in this yard. I think she was laughing, I don't remember. When I saw her, I somehow knew that it was her who sent the package. I don't know why I knew, I just knew. I screamed "Heather, you're the one with the bombs!"

At that point, I woke up.

Anoybody out there know anything about dreams? Any clue as to what this could possibly mean?

*Bill shakes his head a bit*

A slightly damp post...

It rained yesterday.
Yeah, yeah, I know. All you Vancouver people are probably going *Yawn* and making snide comments about us Edmonton folk not being able to handle a wee bit of rain.

Well, this rain was nuts. While wearing a coat, you RUN, FULL-TILT from your car to the store (a distance of 10-15yrds max), and you still get SOAKED.

---The following stuff is shamelessly ripped from the Edmonton Journal---
For the south end of the city, Environment Canada's radar reported rainfall of between 44 and 50 millimetres in one hour.
---The previous stuff was shamelessly ripped from the Edmonton Journal---

For the hour that it rained, the water was coming down in sheets. While driving, you couldn't see 20 feet in any given direction. Roads were flooded. Traffic ground to a hault.

It was...

Ya know something? These Edmonton folk really don't know how to handle rain (notice how I now start to distance myself from these people? *g*). Silly people.

On the upside, the rain did make for a humerous quote in the Journal. They spoke to somebody who's car had stalled in a giant puddle about 1/2metre deep.

"Dumb-ass decided to drive through," passenger [name removed by me] said of his father. "He needs to have his head examined. That marijuana from the '70s caught up with him." *giggle*

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Political post time

You've probably seen the Apple iPod commercials with the brightly colored silhouette posters that dance...
Well, somebody has come up with something similar.
Sort of.

Take a peek over here and over here.

I like 'em.

Happy Canada Day!

Starting tomorrow, I'm cat/appartment sitting for a couple of friends while they're on vacation. I'll be there for about 10 days. It's going to be sweet. Being there will cut my work commute in half. :-)

As a result of being there, my email and IM access will be a little spotty. MSN will probably be the best way to IM chat. I will have remote control of my computer, so ICQ and email will work. Just... slowly.

Oasis has a link to a quiz on her blog. I saw it, and figured... What the hell. Why not?
So, here are the results.

You are a goddess!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I KNEW IT!! :-)