Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Saturday, July 03, 2004


I rarely remember my dreams. Like, almost never. I think it's easily been 2 and a half years since I last remembered a dream.
Actually, that's not 100% accurate. I usually do remember a dream if I wake up in the middle of it. Then, by the time I've fallen asleep and woken up at my usual time, I've forgotten what happened.

Last night was something of a restless night for me. Had trouble sleeping. At one point (or was it two?), I woke up in the middle of a dream. A really weird dream. This time, I wrote it down. Here goes...
First off, I didn't recognize anybody in it, save for myself.

I was at home, and a package arrives for me. So, I start opening it. I get the package about half open when I go upstairs for some reason. I leave the package downstairs. While I'm upsatirs doing I can't rememeber what, the package explodes. I'm not hurt, the building is mostly fine (except that the drywall from the walls on the lower level is gone, just leaving the supports).

Everybody in my neighbourhood comes together to help me fix the house. The image of the damaged house is weird. It looks like a house on stilts when it shouldn't be.

I then walk out the back door of the house, and start walking away from the house through a field/yard area. This field is filled with what looks like oil well caps/plugs.

I then see a woman (whom I didn't recognize) on a small hill in this yard. I think she was laughing, I don't remember. When I saw her, I somehow knew that it was her who sent the package. I don't know why I knew, I just knew. I screamed "Heather, you're the one with the bombs!"

At that point, I woke up.

Anoybody out there know anything about dreams? Any clue as to what this could possibly mean?

*Bill shakes his head a bit*


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