Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Weekend fun

Friday: Went to Lolligag's and celebrated his 30th birthday. He is now officially old. :-) Hung out, ate good food, drank a bit. Had a muchly fun time!

Saturday: GAY PRIDE PARADE!! Went to the parade with some friends. The parade started at 2 (2:15, but who's counting?). According to the paper, about 5000 people were there to watch. The weather was beautiful, the floats impressive, and the guys hot. I took about 180 digi pics of the parade. As the parade passes, it picks up anybody willing to march in the "mass of humanity". We joined in the group. It was cool.
Two groups of protestors hung out along the route. One group of five, and another of two. I snapped about 7 pics of them (hey, they were filming us! Fair's fair, right?). Those photos are some of the best of the collection.

After the parade, there was the business fair (trade show)/beer garden/stage. They had speakers, singers(?), and a drag show or two. They also had two demonstrations put on by the gymnastics groups 'Edmonton Pride Squad' and 'CHEER San Francisco'. Impressive work.

Was a great weekend.

Now, back to work tomorrow. Ugh.


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