Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Oh my... It's a post

Yes, ladies and gents. I *AM* alive!

The move went well. We made it from Edmonton to Port Moody on the first day. The next morning, we (thank-you Chris and Karin!) moved my stuff into my apartment. Ye gods. That looks so weird. MY apartment. *mind boggles*

And that was about nine weeks ago.

After nine weeks, I have my place setup. About the only things I'm missing are the non-essentials like a rice cooker and such.

Also, I'm getting the hang of this living alone thing. My cooking isn't nearly as lethal as I thought it would be. :)

Another thing that is taking some getting used to is the lack of a car. I had to sell it because of that whole money thing.

The only thing that sucks is that I miss everybody in Edmonton. *sends hugs*

Just thought that I'd give a quickie update post before I head off to bed.
