Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Friday, October 10, 2003

A most interesting discussion.

Oasis and I were having another one of our icq chats tonight, when she asked a question out of nowhere. No relation in any way to the previous topic. She suggested I blog it.
Reprinted with her permission:

*****Background info*****
I still live at home, and both my parents are very religious. Especially my dad (who has made several anti-gay comments in the past). As such, neither of them know that I am gay.
*****/Background info*****

O: Off topic...do your parents still believe you go to church?
B: I think so. But, not on a weekly basis
O: Wow. Impressive. :)
B: I know!
Most Saturday nights (service time) I'm with friends, or 'T'.
That, or sitting in Chapters or Second Cup. My decompression time.
O: That's cool.
B: ya
One of two facts are amazing:
1) I'm very good at hiding everything from my parents
2) They're good at hiding that they know. (doubtful. very doubtful)
O: It must be very difficult for you. My party life is fairly easy to submerge because it's not a lifestyle...it's a fun thing I do some Saturday nights.
For you, living where you do, it must be far more difficult to try and appear contrary to your "you-ness"
B: To appear straight, you mean?
Yeah, it can be. Especially when I'm 'high' from being with 'T', or something.
Unlike most people, I can't share my victories, joys, accomplishments, sorrows, and such with my family.
When I started coming out (no small feat), I couldn't get their help or anything.
When I had a boyfriend last and this year, they couldn't know.
When I broke up with my ex last year, I could only turn to a friend out here for support.

You can announce to mom/dad that you're in love, and that Candyman is sweet.
If I did that about 'T', I'd be up to my neck in shit.
B:Frustrating? Just a tad
O:You should blog about that.
O:I'm sure there's a lot of people in your situation who would love to hear how you handle that separation of worlds.
B:Basically, I built my own family.
I have wonderful friends like you, Justy, Trev, Ky, The Kid, Stacey, EmmDeeBee, RenderMan (& his mom), and so on.
I have made my own family.

So, that's it. If anybody has any thoughts, questions, or comments, you are free to contact me. You can use the comments option below if it isn't overly personal, or my email addy on the side if it is.


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