Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Thursday, October 09, 2003


Chocolate is not only good for the morale, it is good for the body!
Just check out this little link for details on a study.

(text of link)
Done, by Carl Keen, a nutritionist at the University of California, Davis, the study shows chocolate has compounds called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting — which can cause heart attacks and stroke.

Now Keen is fast to say that too much of a good thing isn't healthy.

But, in moderation, it has a beneficial effect.

“More and more, we are finding evidence that consumption of chocolate that is rich in flavonoids can have positive cardiovascular effects,” he said.

“We not only have observed an increase in antioxidant capacity after chocolate consumption, but also modulation of certain compounds which affect blood vessels,” Keen told a meeting of . the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C reduce the damage of cancer-causing charged particles in the body. Platelet activation is thought to be an important risk factor in blood clotting.

Keen and his colleagues at UC measured the impact of chocolate on platelets in the blood. They collected blood samples from volunteers who ate 25 grams, or slightly less than an ounce, of chocolate with a high flavonoid content and other volunteers who ate bread. They took blood samples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and bread to measure their platelet activation.

Volunteers who ate the chocolate had lower levels of platelet activity, while the scientists found no change in the group that ate the bread.

Keen said the results of the study supported earlier research that showed that cocoa acts like low-dose aspirin, which helps to reduce blood clotting.

“These results lead us to believe that chocolate may contribute to a healthy, well-balanced diet,” Keen said

Ok. That's a study result I can get into!
< Homer Simpson >
MMmmmmm.... Chocolate.
< /Homer Simpson >


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