Ramblings. Direct from me to you.

Rambling (v): To speak or write at length and with many digressions.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Gay Wiccan-curious seeking...

While putzing around on the computer tonight, I checked the message that I had waiting in my hotmail inbox. Not surprisingly, it was spam. However, this spam wasn't your usual "buy a rolex/get viagra/refinance your house" kinda crap. This one advertised a Christian dating service.

I went to their site out of curiosity. While there, I got the idea to email them, asking them why they didn't include a search function for gay Christians (and I was promptly egged on by Karin). Yes, it's nothing more than me being an ass, but I figure that if they're going to waste my time with spam, then I have every right to torment them.

After I sent my email, I got an autoreply back with this as the opening line:
"To prevent the ever-increasing amount of SPAM we receive, we have set up this automatic response to make sure you are a person and not a spam-machine."

So, the spammers are worried about people spamming them? And they get around this by forcing me to confirm my address?

Irony, thy name is Christiancafe.com

I am SO going to hell! Who wants to join me?

Oh, yeah. Here's the email I sent. When (if?) I get a reply, I'll post it.

Good day,

I received an ad for your service in my email box recently, and I decided to take a look.

When I got to your site, I found odd that your site didn't have a specific search ability built into it. I am referring to the ability to search based on 'sexual orientation'. Is that an accidental oversight, or perhaps something that will be added in a future release/update of your site?

I am confident that you could increase the number of people who use your service if this option was made available.

As evidenced by the list of sites below, there are a large number of gay/lesbian Christians out there. In fact, this is just three of the countless websites devoted to the gay or lesbian Christian.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



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